My Favorite Things Winner
I know you have all been waiting anxiously for this day... the day the winner of "A Few of My Favorite Things" giveaway is announced. Before I announce the winner, let me just say thanks to all of you who took the time to read my blog and leave a comment. I've "met" lots of fellow running/ fitness bloggers. I'm looking forward to learning from each one of you! Now... back to the giveaway winner annoucement. I made this giveaway as scientifically sound as possible. Each person who commented had the potential to earn up to three entries. I used Sticky-Notes to write down each name based on the number of entries earned. Most of you had three Sticky-Notes. Mr. Big Stuff (my five year old) selected the instrument from which we would pull the lucky winner's name. He decided a five-gallon Lowe's bucket would be best for the job. Here is Mr. Big Stuff, shaking up the names... just to make it fair. Here he is, pull...