Short, Little Post

I have decided to see a podiatrist.  I don't want to... but I think it's time.  My foot actually feels worse the past few days and I haven't been running in over a week.  

San Diego bloggers, do you have any recommendations?   If you know someone good, maybe I'll get lucky and the name will be on my insurance's pre-approved list.

I made it to the gym tonight, after about a week of no exercise & eating poorly.  It felt great to go work out my muscles.  It also felt great to put good, healthy food into my body today.  I'm going to get back on track with my diet.  I went grocery shopping and got lots of organic fruits and veggies.  Yay!

Well, that's all!  Short, little post... just like the title says.

Have a wonderful day & take care!


I live in CT, so I can't help you with a podiatrist. But, I had a bad experience with the first podiatrist I saw (quack), and a great experience with my current one. All podiatrists are not created equal! Be careful if your podiatrist is more interested in giving you a cortisone shot that he/she is in actually listening to your ailments. I actually found my current podiatrist by searching on yahoo and finding patient ratings of him. People loved him, so I went to him, and success!! Good luck.
Michelle said…
No advice. Just wanted to wish you good luck!
Lori said…
Escondido on Grand Ave (near Ash), Dr Joan Meyer. She's a staple around here and I hear she's pretty good. (When my mom lived in town that's who she saw for her multiple foot problems.)

Good luck... I know the desire to "push through it and maybe it'll be ok". I've been doing that on my knee... but am finally seeing a orthopedic specialist next week. Just need to know what's going on in there and if it's ok to keep riding like I do, or if I need to be more careful with it.
Jen said…
Good luck and be sure it is a sports podiatrist - meaning they just won't tell you not to run for 4 months... a sports one will understand that you want to get back out there.
Julie said…
Hi Sara,
I think you are doing the right thing by getting your foot checked out:) I hope that everything is okay. Hang in there!!
Sarah said…
That stinks. :( Hope you can find someone good and start feeling better soon!
Wishing you a quick recovery! Hope the doc (Whoever you see) can give you some good news!
Unknown said…
well, stink! I suspect a podiatrist will set you up with custom orthotics. that seems to be how it goes. best wishes making your foot happy again
Libby said…
Ouch :( I hope you find a good podiatrist and they help you heal super fast!
Anne said…
I don't know what insurer you have, but I'm being treated by John Fellow at the Scripps Clinic Rancho Bernardo. He's an orthopedist that specializes in podiatry and - important to me - non-surgical treatments.
Jen Feeny said…
I'm sorry it's not feeling better girly! I hope the podiatrist helps!
Anonymous said…
Sorry about the foot. I hope you see a pod soon!
Wendy said…
Hope you heal very soon and are able to find something out.
Sorry it's not feeling better yet :( I hope the podiatrist can help you out!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
Awwww, bummer that your foot is hurting more while resting! That sucks!! Fingers crossed that you find a good doc, and get some answers!
Unknown said…
Good luck at the doctor. Hopefully it is something minor and you can get back to feeling better soon.
Anna said…
Aw, stinks that your foot refuses to heal! Good luck, and hopefully the doctor will work some magic.
Bob said…
Good luck with the foot. I'm currently reading how padded running shoes are destroying us. Not sure how I feel about that yet...

Jill said…
I am so sorry to hear that. Hoping you have a quick recovery and hope you find a good doctor.
Irene said…
I've tagged you on my blog! :)
Unknown said…
Hey Kiddo, I don't know of a good podiatrist who 'likes' runners, Anne's suggestion sounds promising though. Good luck!
Jill said…
Errrrr to your foot!! I'm in Denver so no help to your request but I hope it's just something minor and you're back in the game soon!!!
prashant said…
Hope you heal very soon and are able to find something out.

Work From Home
Grace said…
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