Feeling Good!

I feel good!  My foot doesn't seem any worse off from my half marathon last weekend.  It's not necessarily better... it's just not worse.

I've decided to take a couple weeks off and try to give all ol' lefty a break.  On my last post, some of you asked what is wrong with my foot.  Well, basically it's plantar fasciitis but the pain seems to have traveled up to the outside and back of my ankle.   I like when pain travels... it gives me hope that no one spot is injured too badly.

It's funny because during my half marathon, I was practically swearing off of racing and running ever again.  This week, I'm already missing it and wondering which race I should do next.  There is a 7K trail race in March that looks fun.  I'm going to check it out.

Anyway, enough about me.  I'm off to try to catch up on some of your blogs!  I've been skimming them but haven't been able to comment and follow-up as much as I'd like. 

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


Jill said…
Oh I hope your foot gets better. It's funny how much we can have a love/hate relationship with running. I am always worried I am going to get injured...Having the freedom taken away is no fun.

Take it easy and get better.
ajh said…
Good luck. Hopefully the rest will take care of it. I have had problems with pf but nothing for awhile now.
live better said…
I have been nursing PF for a while now and it seems to come and go. I have been using the foam roller and taping the sole of my foot with some good results. I am planning on running my first half in April and hope this does not get too bad, good luck.
Bethany + Ryan said…
Have u tried the boot/night splint yet? I didn't have pf but I had some deep soreness on the bottom of my foot for months then I got the boot, slept with it for a few weeks and it went away. My dad had bad pf and the boot helped him too. Rest, Sara! Rest, rest, rest!!!
Anne said…
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Anne said…
I'm not sure which trail race you're considering. I used to run the March Madness 10k along Lake Hodges, on the RB side of the lake. Fun! And, there's an Xterra trail race at Black Mountain around the same time.

You know, when I tore my achilles, my doctor mention that PF was related because it's the same tendon, stretched under the heel. I think you're doing right with some real rest.
Teamarcia said…
Oh I hope that PF travels far away from you. Good luck with your race!
Unknown said…
i'm glad the foot is feeling better (or at least not worse) taking some time off to let it heal is smart!
Libby said…
That pain doesn't sound like fun at all- at least it isn't getting worse
Bob said…
Feel better! Liking the trail idea, the trails are nice and forgiving, I like them far better than asphalt.
Unknown said…
I've been wondering how you were doing, so sorry about your foot! Do you ice it? Have you tried any inserts from a podiatrist? I've always had the same problem with my feet and it's challenging! I hope you get better quickly!
Julie said…
Hi Sara,
Bummer deal with your foot. I am Sorry:( So what does this fascitis feel like? Does it hurt and burn like hell? Can you get it in your toes? I wonder if maybe that is what is wrong with my feet. Have some restful time off:) Take care of yourself Sara!!
Irene said…
PF is such a weird thing. I hope you find some relief, some how!
Being Robinson said…
OMG i'm so behind on reading blogs, and am now catching up on yours and am totally LMAO at all of your posts. i loved the half marathon mile by mile and your thoughts toward miley during that song. freaking hilarious! so, sorry i've been MIA, hopefully i'm back to being a good bloggie ;) your posts made my morning, so thanks for that. and glad your foot is mostly okay!
Jen said…
Hope you foot is feeling better soon.

BTW: I am doing a cool giveaway, check out my blog.
MCM Mama said…
Hope the foot gets all better soon!

BTW, there's a little something for you on my blog today.
prashant said…
Good luck. Hopefully the rest will take care of it. I have had problems with pf but nothing for awhile now.

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