I Found Some New Muscles!

And they are all in my feet and calves. And right now they hurt.  I guess I woke up some sleeping  muscles and they are not morning people .

I was warned that running in Vibrams and/or barefoot will make you sore for a while.   I'm here to vouch for that little bit of information.  So far it seems like the good kind of sore... the kind you like to feel on your butt the day after doing squats.

I tried out a run yesterday.  It was just a mile but that was enough for now!  I felt slow and apprehensive but really good for the first half mile.  The next quarter mile was pretty much downhill and I was going fast (fast for me, that is) and I still felt pretty good.  I hit the proverbial "brick wall" at about three-quarters of mile and had to walk the rest of the way home.

Here's where I ran and how it felt:
  • Sidewalk= Eh, boring... I don't like running on sidewalks
  • Asphalt= Better... I like to feel the bumps on the soles of my feet
  • These rocks you find in peoples' water-wise gardens= Bumpy, a little uncomfortable, and fun!  I'm weird & like to feel rocks under my feet (a couple of my friends used to call me "Goat Girl"- I don't like goats & it wasn't very flattering, in my mind... so please don't call me that).
  • Dirt= Ahhhh...sweet bliss
  • Smashed Tequila Bottle= Managed to avoid that one!  Guess I shouldn't drink that stuff while I run!
Post Run
I felt sore.  My heel hurt (but then it's never stopped hurting since the marathon).  About 20 minutes after running, I noticed a strange sensation in my feet.  They felt.... alive.  That's the only way I can describe it.  They were warm, flexible, and I could feel the blood flowing through them.  I could tell they were happy... even if it was only for a little while, before the muscles decided to cause a rebellion (isn't that just typical of those hard-to-please body parts?!). 

The Day After
I'm sore.  Did I mention that?

I'm doing a 5K.  This was the one that was going to allow me to redeem my lack of PR on for my last 5K.  Now I'll be running it for fun... screw the PR because I doubt that's going to happen with these aching muscles.

I will be wearing my shoes.  I can tell I'm not ready to race barefoot or in my Vibrams.  All in due time, I guess.  I just wish I weren't so impatient.

I have to go to bed now so I can get up early for the race.  I'll be sure to take pictures!  I plan to catch up on my bloggy friends tomorrow afternoon. 

By the way, thanks so much for all the nice, supportive comments regarding my last two posts!!  I appreciate you all so much! 


Michelle said…
Wow - I am loving following your Vibram story! Very interesting! Good luck on that 5k!
I'm soooo close to buying Vibrams, EVERYONE is talking about them! Do you have a pair of Recovery socks? I have some from Sugoi and I SWEAR by them! I put them on after even short runs and I've been pain free. I recently switched to Newtons...not quite barefoot running, but I know some of that pain you are talking about. Anyway, hope those muscles heal fast! Happy New Year!
Tyly said…
I admire you so much for trying something new! I enjoy hearing all about how the Vibrams are working for you, because I've never known anyone that has them. I hope your sore muscles go away, and I'm looking forward to hearing all about your recovery!
Bob said…
Ahh yes, the Vibram calf pain. I remember it well. It takes time for it to go away because you're developing muscles, strengthening tendons, and the blood supply to support them. I woke up sore every morning for about 2-3 months. But it does get better, and you'll LOVE the feeling of having stronger feet and calves. My regular running shoes don't ever fit anymore because my toes have straightened and strengthened and my ankles have grown a bit too.

Hope the race goes well!!
Anonymous said…
Wow. I'm so interested to hear more. There is just something about running barefoot...
good luck tomorrow. you'll be great!

ps - that may have been my vodka bottle. sorry. ;-)
Yeah for trying them out before your race!

You are going to have super strong feet. Run Strong at your race. I'm still hoping for a PR for you! You could amaze yourself!
Anne said…
Glad running is fun again for you, and good luck at today's 5k. Let us know how many Vibram runners you see, even if you aren't one of them today.
Jen Feeny said…
"Hurts so Good!" :)

Glad to hear that your feet are alive and working! Loved this post! LMAO! Goat girl...
Sarah Jane said…
Hats off to you for listening to your body and shifting your focus. I can't wait to hear about your shoeless adventures. :)
Sarai Hoolihan said…
I enjoy reading your blog and hearing about your running adventures :) I think I want some vibrams too now!! Have fun running the 5k today!
Aka Alice said…
I'm sure you had a great race this morning. What a perfect day for running (not so sure about the parade!)
Kelly said…
So interesting to follow your adventures with "barefoot" running. Good luck on the race tomorrow!
Hi! Runner's World has an article in the new issue about barefoot running ... just thought you might want to know! Happy New Year!
Oz Runner said…
great review of the vibrams...i saw dr oz recommending them a couple weeks ago...

have a great new year
Wow that is amazing that you felt your feet come to life...crazy!! Sorry you are sore an dI HOPE the 5K was fun!!
Tyly said…
Thanks for the sweet comment! I hope 2010 brings you amazing things as well!

Our cat did awesome with her declaw. We had it done to a cat before her, and he also did very well. I know some people are totally against it for various reasons, but I'm not. It is done by laser now, so it isn't nearly as painful or invasive as it once was. My cat (she was about 3-4 months at the time) came running out of her crate as soon as I brought her home, and she never looked back. She never showed any signs of pain, and she was terrorizing the dog within 5 minutes of being home! She's strictly indoors, and we are very happy we had it done.

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