What a Difference!

What a Difference in Weather

Three days ago, it was hot & sunny here. I ran in shorts and short sleeves... and I was still too hot! Today, the weather was completely different. It's been raining, hailing, and is a bit chilly. And I love it!

The rain almost kept me from my scheduled 5-mile run today. By the afternoon, however, I had cabin fever and decided that the rain wasn't going to keep me from the trail run I had been looking forward to. What motivated me even more was Ann's post at Run DMZ about the very area where I was planning to run. Thanks, Ann!

What a Difference in my Run

Today's run was so different in every way from the last two runs I did. My calf felt fine. I wasn't too hot. I wasn't scared. It was so much fun! In short, I loved today's run. I felt great and must have had a big grin on my face the entire time. Even when it started to sprinkle on me, I just kept running and smiling.

What a Difference a Trail Makes

I absolutely love running on trails. I feel like I'm in my element when I'm out in nature, feet pounding on dirt instead of pavement. I ran on wide trails and narrow trails, steep trails and level trails. I even attempted to run on an impassable trail.

Wide trail

Narrow Trail

Impassable Trail
In the past, I've been able to cross here by stepping on stones. The rain made this brook a little too deep and wide to cross.

What a Difference a Drought Makes

Less than a year ago, Lake Hodges was... well, a lake! Now it looks more like a big puddle. The area is still beautiful because the landscape is green, thanks to years and years of being covered in water.

Compare this photo with the one at the top of my blog. It's not the same location (thanks to the impassable trail) but maybe you can get a perspective of how little water there is compared to last spring.

It really makes me sad. Several years ago, we had a wonderfully wet El Nino winter. The water level was so high that the dam on the west side of the lake overflowed, pouring water into the river valley below. People used to use Lake Hodges for fishing, kayaking, windsurfing, and boating. I hope and pray we get another wet winter soon! I miss my lake.

What a Difference Hope Makes

These days, a rainbow means different things to different people. To me, a rainbow reminds me of God's promise to Noah to never flood the earth again. While I try to tell God a little flooding in all the right places would be a good thing, I think the point of God's promise was that He loves all of us and promises to take care of us. Life isn't always perfect but there is always hope. So, what a wonderful thing it was to be reminded of this when I saw this at the end of my fantastic run:

What a perfect end to a perfectly lovely run!

Want More?
If you want to see more pictures of the Lake Hodges area and of the new footbridge I got to run across today, check out Ann's blog! She is a local blogger friend I've never met but since we seem to haunt the same areas, I think we'll have to change that. She is recovering from an injury so I figure if she walks and I run, I might be able to keep up with her!! What do you think, Ann? :)

HBBC Points for 11/28

Run/Walk: 4
Fruits/Veggies: UGH!!!!!


Southbaygirl said…
i'll be at Surf City running the Half!!!
This is a great post!! I cant even fathom a drought living in Seattle area.. Love the rainbow pics and that you love trail running so much..
Jill said…
Hi Sara, found your blog - LOVE it!! Looking forward to reading your running journey, thanks! The area you ran on looks so nice - I love trail running too.
Anne said…
Yesterday was a wonderful diversion. I was actually at Mission Trails yesterday morning but, of course, not running. Still, everyone returned an hour later without any mud on their shoes. What's up with that?!

Yes, I have a feeling our paths will not just cross but combine soon. I have my MRI today, then off to the ortho surgeon. Healing is on its way!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
great post and reflection! Hope you get your lake back :)
Its cool to see the trails you run on vs the trails I run on! We have nothing like those trails here in MA! Our trails are all through the woods/forrest weaving through trees, running up steep hills covered in wet leaves and jumping over fallen trees. It really is beautiful but not the type of place we can run solo. Your trails look so much more inviting and safer to run on. I can't wait to run on the trail from ur blog header picture!!!! Sooooo gorgeous!!! Glad ur calf is feeling better!!
joyRuN said…
Glad you had a pain-free unscary run :) I enjoy running much more when it's cooler too.
Aka Alice said…
I'll admit, I'm glad for the cooler weather too. We even saw snow yesterday!
Anonymous said…
I love runs like that! I used to live a bit north of you in Ladera Ranch in South Orange County. Now that we live in the Houston area, I did take for granted the ability to run humid free! That can really make a difference between having a good run and a bad run. Your trail run sounds just great...good for you!
Tricia said…
Love the pics, glad you had a great run!
Kelly said…
The pictures are absolutely gorgeous, glad you had such a great run!

Sorry about my random short posts, I'm trying to add some links at the top haha- I'll be back to normal tonight :)
Southbaygirl said…
Yeah for a great trail run! I LOVE trail running! I think it's my favorite as well!! I'll be coming down at some point in time to run Black Mountain and then to race it in march-check out www.trailrace.com-the Xterra Black Mountain trail run-run it! I'm going to do it!!

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