
I ordered it!!

Thanks for all the Garmin advice! Santa is coming early this year and he'll be arriving in a brown truck, most likely on Wednesday or Thursday.

I think I'm going to call* my new running partner Rudolph: He's red, will guide me on my runs (fog, or no fog), and the name is appropriate for the season. I'll call him Rudy for short.

*I got the idea to name my Garmin from Irene over at Magazine Smiles. Her Garmin is a girl but I guess mine will be a boy. Maybe if they get together, they can make little Garmin babies. What do you get when you cross a 305 with a 405?


Michelle said…
Yay! So excited for you and Rudy!
Jenn said…
You will love it. I have the 405CX and my sister has the 305. I love mine but she hates it and swears by the 305! I think mine needs a name-I'm gonna have to think about that one!
Jen Feeny said…
Love it! LOL! I'm so jealous of your Rudy! I really need to get around to investing in one myself! Happy Trails!
My garmin will be celebrating its 2nd birthday this christmas when I take it on my annual christmas 10 miles run. I love it! I have the 305, ryan has the 405 but I hate his! Its way too high tech for a simple gal like myself. Also, I have a baby's wrist and I wear it on the smallest notch, believe it or not the 405 is actually big on my wrist as opposed to the 305 which looks bigger! You will LOVE it! My the owners manual before u get too comfy using it for just the basics. It can do A LOT!! I only use probably 5% of its features. Have fun with Rudy!
Aka Alice said…
Yay! I've never named my Garmin...which is odd since there are nicknames for all my running friends. I like Rudy. It'll fit!
Garmin babies, you crack me up!!

I sooo need a name for my Garmin, have any good dieas left?
Oz Runner said… will love it..
Molly said…
oooh, I'm jealous! I hinted to Santa, and he reminded me I need to master my 8 year old sports watch first. Great blog!
Anonymous said…
Love this name!!
Bob said…
You're going to be happy! If you like fooling with data (I do) you're going to love it. Get the free SportTracks software.

Like your new title picture, looks like a great trail!
Bob said…
Almost forgot, see this post:

for everything you could possibly want to know about the 305.
Felice Devine said…
I hope you like it! I have the 305 and love it.
Love that you named it! I should probably name mine too, seeing that I would never run without it.

I have the 305 and love it! Enjoy!
Kelly said…
Haha, yay you are going to love the Garmin.

I don't think too many of us would be sad if Garmins started having babies haha
Joel said…
Hey - found your blog via Mel-2nd Chances.

I got my Garmin last Christmas, and we now enjoy a nice mutual co-dependency. I never can leave home without it.

The name thing is awesome! I wish I had thought of that.
RunToTheFinish said…
wahooo you'll be so addicted you won't know how you lived without it
Unknown said…
How exciting that you have a new toy! I love his name too, perfect for the season.

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