A Love Letter

Oh, Peanut M&Ms... how I hate to love you!


Unknown said…
ah yes.....yum :-)
Aka Alice said…
Best. Candy. Ever.

I used to "steal" every package from my kids Halloween candy. When they were young, and they were completely undiscerning about what kind of chocolate they ate, they couldn't tell. Now that they're older, they just hand it over to me.
Sarah said…
I LOVE those too! I cannot buy a bag of them, since I have no self control whatsoever around them. But...I do buy the little snack packs...that way I limit myself to only around 100 calories, as long as I can stick to one. :)
Kasey said…
aren't they the best! just the right combo of sweet and salty! Love your blog and love the song "Marathon" by Rush- thank you for sharing!

My husband just called about 2 minutes ago to tell me he was about to sign us up for our first marathon in March!
Melissa said…
Have you tried the dark chocolate peanut m and m's?? We have a love/hate relationship. I only buy them when I know I'm going to be at my bf's and I can leave them there for him to finish!
Anonymous said…
ahhh yes, I love them too. It protein!

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