Accidental Speed Work

Super quick post tonight...

I ran! I ran in Flagstaff, Arizona. Elevation 7,000 feet. I had planned to run two-miles on the hiking trail located on the grounds of our hotel. I ended up doing only 1.5 miles because it was getting dark.

I ran!
I ran FAST! I don't know if they have mountain lions here and it got dark much faster than I expected so I really picked up the pace as I ran along the beautiful forest trail. I found out I can run pretty quickly if I think I might be mauled to death by a forest creature.

I ran!
And my foot didn't hurt. It hurts a little now, after the run, but it's not bad. I think I was smiling for most of the run because it felt so good. I would have smiled the entire time if I had not started to "hear" mountain lions behind every tree I passed.

We are going to be pretty busy tomorrow. We're going to see the Grand Canyon. I'm hoping to get another trail run in on Wednesday... regardless of real and/or imaginary mountain lions!


Anonymous said…
woo hoo!
ack! Mountain lions would make me run fast too! Good job on the run!
joyRuN said…
Yeay for a pain free run!
Eliza Returns said…

Mountain lions? Yikes!
Unknown said…
yay for fast-pain-free-high-altitude running!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
Yep, i think I'd run faster too! Happy you're running pain free! :)
NICE!! Lions and Tigers and Bears... Oh my!!
Anonymous said…
What a super time - enjoy.
Anonymous said…
I would run fast too if I thought there were lions nearby!

Nice job!
X-Country2 said…
Yes, getting ripped limb from limb is incentive to run fast. Stay safe!
MCM Mama said…
LOL! Take motivation where you can find it...
robison52 said…
Sing, "Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!" as a mantra for your next trail run.
Black Knight said…
The mountain lions must be scared when a runner ... runs!
Glad you didn't have pain.
RunToTheFinish said…
ohhhh i want to run there, it sounds beautiful and amazing from everything I have heard.

hope everything keeps feeling good
montisse98 said…
It sounds like a beautiful place to run. Have fun at the Grand Canyon!
Being Robinson said…
oh how fun, what a great run! and that sign is hilarious!
Jes said…
Nice job on the run! I'd run a bit faster, too!!

Enjoy the Grand Canyon! I think it might be the most beautiful place on Earth!
Aka Alice said…
Yay for pain free running!

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