The Blog Formerly Known as Rookie on the Run

OK... Maybe Not "Improved"

In case you haven't noticed, I changed the name of my blog. I still consider myself a "rookie" and probably always will. But I figured this would be a great time to make changes.

I started this blog in order to share my challenges, triumphs, and failures as I trained for my first marathon. Now that that I have accomplished that goal- and find I am still a runner- I wanted to shift the focus of the blog to running in general. I wanted the title to reflect running's permanency in my life.

So, ta-da!! Introducing... Running Through Life!

New title, new look (eventually), but still the same old Rookie... wait, isn't that an oxymoron? Sort of, maybe?


NICE!! Like a butterfly...LOL
Melanie Tait said…
Makes so much sense! Can't wait to see what else you have in mind!
Felice Devine said…
Makes perfect sense! I like it :)
Glenn Jones said…
What a great name for the blog! I like it!
Aka Alice said…
Nobody who has run a marathon is a rookie any longer...this much is true...

Congrats on the name change :-) LOVE IT
Patrick said…
Awesome name!

I always thought "rookie" was the wrong word for you... You are more experienced than that!

Hope your recovery is going well.
Being Robinson said…
i like it! and you are so not a rookie anymore ;)
ihaverun said…
I am looking forward to continuing to folow your journey. You are an inspiration to me -- a fellow mom of two, training for my first marathon!
RunToTheFinish said…
ok I adore costa rica, it was an amazing trip!!

i thought the weather was pretty good M-W in San diego and I swear if I could move to Coronado I would!!
Kelly said…
You should definitely try spinning. I was so nervous about it- I actually woke up like five times the night before in anticipation, but it REALLY was not bad- and like I said in my post, you can always change the resistance and no one even knows.
Besides, you can run a marathon! You MUST be able to handle a spinning class. I handled it just fine and if I tried to run a marathon right now I'd probably die at mile 6 haha.
Unknown said…
Wow - you threw me with the new name of your blog - I'd read it several times since you changed, but when I saw your last posting on my site, I had a brain $#)#! Very cool rebranding - I agree with your other faithful readers. Mark

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