Artist Rendering of The Cytomax Incident

In my previous blog ... the revised version... I wrote about a runner who carelessly tossed their half-full cup of Cytomax right next to my feet. As a result, I ended up with a wet, yucky shoe for part of the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon.

Since lots of us rely on visuals to fully comprehend a point, I sketched out the whole incident for you. Note the lack of about 19,998 other runners... that's because I have a life.

In spite of many missing details, I hope this helps to clarify my point. If you happen to recognize the runner who Cytomaxed me, please let her know that I have no hard feelings toward her. Even though I refer to her as "Evil Runner". And gave her bad hair. And fangs (which are easier to see if you click on the picture).

Copies of the above masterpiece are available for sale.
All proceeds will be donated to the purchase of extra trash bins for next year's Rock 'n' Roll Marathon.


ihaverun said…
What an artist! I love it!! Thanks for making me smile!!!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
Wow! You're talented! :D
Great visual! Thanks for the smiles!
LOVELY!! It belongs in a museum..
Irene said…

Love it!
X-Country2 said…
HA! Fangs? You gave her fangs?! Awesome.
Southbaygirl said…
what an awesome picture! well done!
Sarah said…
Too funny! I love the bad hair your gave her...looks like mine on a humid day. :)
Being Robinson said…
NICE. Excellent art work!
Aka Alice said…
hahahahah...I'd have left a comment earlier in the day, but I was at a workshop...(where I had to completely stiffle a giggle when I saw your artistic rendition of the event!)

I completely agree with you BTW. I always run with sticky Gu wrappers in a pocket somewhere. I am completely unable to litter. I don't get those who can.
MCM Mama said…
Too funny! NIce artwork.
LMAO! I think you should sell signed and numbered copies and donate the money to a charity of your choice! I'll take signed copy #1, please!
Anonymous said…
Wet feet are included in all marathons! I think I even had some Gatorade in my face:-(
very cute - glad i stumbled upon this on a friday afternoon!

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