Snip Snip

Today my four year old "trimmed" our cat's whiskers.

Poor kitty.

Sigh... I need to run!


COTY said…
hehe this made me chuckle :O)
Unknown said…
Oh no. Poor kitty indeed!!
RunningLaur said…
Oh no!
I've been told that my fiancé used to do this A LOT when he was little.
Sarah said…
Haha! When my daughter was 3 she cute her own hair. Luckily she didn't do too much damage. :)
MCM Mama said…
My kid would totally do this - except our cat is smart enough to stay away...
Irene said…
My sister did something like that when we were kids... Whiskers grow back, right?
Anonymous said…

I do believe they grow back:-)
Oz Runner said…
i can't believe the cat let her do that...ha ha
Poor kitty. My little guy would totally do that, that is why we dont have a cat and the scissors are locked in a drawer.
Mel-2nd Chances said…
OMG. hope it was a good run. :D
Aka Alice said…
OK...when I first read the headline in my reader, I thought you were talking about your husband and a "family planning" effort...LOL...I was pretty surprised to see the picture of the cat!
X-Country2 said…
I can't believe the cat sat still long enough to let both sides get hacked like that. That's a pretty chill cat.
Bob said…
Ha! When my oldest was 4 or 5 she and her friends cut each others hair. My wife is going to live forever, I guess, if that didn't kill her.

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