Racey Thoughts
One week from this moment I will have have finished a marathon! I can hardly believe it. It is starting to sink into my mind that this is going to happen. I'm pretty good about keeping my nerves in check about most things. If I get nervous about stuff, I usually don't allow it to surface until the anticipated moment occurs.
I have to admit, though, I am:

*Some examples of me getting lost:
I have to admit, though, I am:
- Nervous
- Excited
- Scared
- Overwhelmed
- Anxious
- Happy

- How will I get down there?
- What will I bring?
- Will it be chilly?
- How much coffee should I drink?
- Should I bring a little can of Lysol to disinfect the yucky blue port-o-potty before I use it?
- What will I do with my stuff?
- I know... they have UPS trucks taking all the "stuff" to the finish line, but then I have to find the truck... and my bag after the race.
- What if I get lost on the route? Trust me, I get lost easily! Very easily*.
- Should I wear some makeup? I want to look alive when they take my picture.
- What if I can't find my husband at the finish line?
- What if I can't sleep the night before the race? I'm not a good have-to-sleep sleeper.
- Maybe my heel and/or knee will get so damaged from this race that I will never recover.
- Maybe I'll get lost.*
- Maybe all that sweet Cytomax will make my tummy very unhappy.
- Maybe I should wear a diaper.
- Maybe some well-meaning at-home spectator will spray me with their garden hose. I hate getting sprayed by hoses. Even more, I hate wet socks.
- Maybe I should bring an extra pair of socks... I read of someone who ended up having to use her socks as toilet paper during a marathon. I assume she ran sockless for the rest of the race. Hopefully, she did not put them back on her feet.
- Maybe I ought to bring some toilette wipes.
*Some examples of me getting lost:
- Very nearly walking into the men's locker room at the gym last week after using the pool.
- Getting so lost at Caesar's Palace in Vegas that it took me an hour to find my way out.
- Losing my car in the hospital parking garage.
- Not being able to find my hotel room (on numerous occasions).
- Getting lost (and very late) on my way to jury duty.
- Practically panicking in a pumpkin patch corn maze because I couldn't find my way out... I was ready to tear down those corn stalks.

It's so exciting. I don't think you'll get lost = there will be loads of people and rocknrollers. Unless you're winning, of course, then you may get lost, having to set the pace :).
Will be thinking of you this week, sending good energy to those knees!
all those thoughts/feelings you're having are the same ones every other marathoner has had before their first race..you are not alone...
I think you're experiencing normal jitters. Try to relax and have fun!
Also, saw your posting on my site today. Check out tomorrow's - it's an overview of Jeff Galloway's half-marathon program. Given the injury, it may be a great program to get you ready for the fall. Mark
I always carry some toilet paper on longer races. A friend had to wipe with her glove and then run the rest of a marathon holding her shirt over her hand. I've learned from her experience...
Sing, "Don't worry, be happy."
oh gosh it's so close!!
It is EASY to get lost in Caesars Palace, VEgas does that on purpose so you will spend more money..
One advice: rather wear light clothes and be a bit cold in the morning than hot later.
you'll be fine and do great. it'll be one big ride and a party!
You won't get lost...there are waaaaaaaaay too many people.
Wet naps are not a bad idea. But if your husband or someone is going to meet/cheer for you along the way, have him carry them (I made my husband hand me a tampon last year).
The UPS truck is like "find your stuff for dummies" and I'm an idiot about such things.
PS...I will have wet naps if you need one :-)
SDTC has a really nice Excel spreadsheet that gives estimated times at mile markers based on pace. Email me if you want me to send it to you. It was handy.