Peanut M&Ms and Shoes

Here's the Deal
I have eaten more Peanut M&Ms today than I care to admit. There were lots of small bags of them left over from my son's birthday party yesterday. They are yummy. Very. Yummy.

I think they are all gone now and that's a good thing.

New Shoes!
After my group run on Saturday, I was chatting with my friend, Elvi, about knees and shoes. She has very similar knee issues to mine. Elvi was sharing how much she loves her Asics GT-2140s . I mentioned that I had tried those but traded them in for a pair of Asics GEL-Kayano 15s due to ankle pain.

Elvi looked a little surprised and told me how she tried those until her knee pain got unbearable and her sports doctor told her the Kayanos are more suited for people who are heavier than she is... the Kayanos' cushioning is only effective if you have enough weight to place enough pressure on the cushion (or something like that). I'm a little heavier than Elvi... she practically disappears if you turn her sideways... and I don't know if all that is true but it got me thinking.

My knee stuff started at about the same time that I switched to the Kayanos. I remember thinking how much better my ankles felt, but that my knees were starting to hurt. I even went to Road Runner Sports and purchased some Superfeet in hopes that would help the knee pain. It didn't help much.

Prior to talking to Elvi, there was maybe a second or two where I considered the possibility that the Kayanos were not the best for me. I didn't entertain that thought for long, though, because the Kayanos are so comfortable, have awesome reviews, cost lots of money, look pretty, and have really cool angled laces.

After talking to Elvi about her experience, I made a quick decision to swing by Road Runner Sports on my way home from our run to see if my 90-day return period had expired on my Kayanos. My receipt was at home and it would have been way out of my way to go home and then back down to Road Runner Sports.

Road Runner Sports Rocks!
I took my sweaty, smelly self to the guy at the counter and asked if he could check to see if my 90 days were up. Turns out I was 5 days past my 90-day return period. Arghhhh!

This is one reason why I love RRS so much: The guy at the counter told me I could go ahead and exchange my Kayanos anyway. Apparently, they allow you a one-time-only to exchange past your 90 days. Did I mention that I love RRS?

I didn't even have the original inserts that came with the Kayanos. No problem. My Kayanos were brownish from trail running. No problem. I had just run/walked 14 miles in them and they were sweaty. No problem.

After explaining my situation to a cute shoe guy, he had me try on a pair of Saucony Hurricanes and a pair of Brooks. I liked the Hurricanes, but they reminded me too much of the Kayanos. The Brooks felt great, but the orange-coral accent color was not very appealing to me. Mr. Cute Shoe Guy told me that since I liked the Brooks, he would have me try some Mizunos.

A little more history... I tried some Mizunos on at the Carlsbad 5000 Expo. I loved how light and flexible they are. When I tried them on at RRS, they were as I remembered them. I liked them. A lot. I left Road Runner Sports with a fresh pair of Mizunos Wave Nirvana 5 that day. So long, Asics... I'm done with you.
These are the Wave Nirvana 5s

I don't love my Mizunos yet... I still have to run in them. Do I think my knee pain is a thing of the past? I'm doubtful. Only time will tell if my new shoes will be better for me than my Kayanos.

More Shoes
I mentioned that I won the $100 gift certificate from Online Shoes... well, I ordered some shoes for trail running. I decided on Saucony Grid-Excursion TR3. It was a little weird buying shoes without trying them on first. I hope they work out!
These are the Saucony Grid Excursion TR3s

Why is it so complicated to buy running shoes? Maybe we should all just run barefoot.


Kelly said…
I just discovered your blog and I think at the perfect time. I too have been struggling with a bit of knee pain and an attempt to find the perfect shoes to solve the problem. I just bought a pair of Asics and decided this morning I don't like them. I am going to to go back today to try some others. What a process! I also love peanut m&ms...yum!
Unknown said…
Running shoes are complicated. Best wishes with your new pair!
Black Knight said…
I have the same problem, it is difficult to get the shoes that fit. When I find the right ones I immediately buy other 2 pairs of the same item.
At the moment I also run with the Mizuno. I am sure that you will enjoy them.
Guess that I am a "heavier runner" so my Kayano's work perfect LOL.

That is so AWESOME that "Cute shoe guy" could help you out. Amazing that you could trade in a stinky dirty pair of shoes for a fresh one no questions asked.

M&M's YUM!! Maybe after my run I will endulge.

Can't wait to hear how both pairs of your new shoes work out.

I saw your facebook, will have a post this afternoon about a cute Mother's Day idea..
Patrick said…
Congrats on joining the Mizuno family-- I love mine!!!! They have literally taken away most of my leg and knee pain.

As for the M&M's-- you deserve it! They are very addictive!
Aka Alice said…
OMG...I could be you (or you me) or something like that...

I've run in the Kayanos...fine shoes until I increased my mileage training for the marathon last year...then I moved to the Hurricanes...then to New I'm back at the Hurricanes. I'm not sure I'm happy with them. They are a little soft, but since I'm not running the marathon this year, I'll probably stick with them.

I love that RR takes back shoes (so does Movin' Shoes BTW) does make me wonder about the markup on my $130 shoes that allows shoe sellers to take them back so easily :-?

(oh, and the peanut M&Ms? THE. BEST! I try to keep them out of the house because if they're around, I have almost no self control whatsoever.)
tfh said…
There is nothing so wonderful as when a new pair of shoes really does solve (or help!) an ache or injury. I hope these do it for you!
Irene said…
The shoe thing is enough to drive anyone bonkers, especially when they go and change the style of your favorite shoe... It feels like every time I find a shoe that works well the manufacturer goes and changes it. I'm glad you've found something that works! Woohoo!

Here's to happy feet!
Jessica Lane said…
Hey Sara! I stumbled upon your blog and noticed you were struggling with knee pain. I am a runner training for a marathon and I also work at Fleet Feet. It's my job to solve injuries like that all of the time. What part of your knee is hurting? And the arch supports didn't help? If you have any questions about shoes or injuries, my blog is

joyRuN said…
Mmmm... I can't resist peanut m&ms!

Good luck with the shoes - I finally found the pair that let me run pain-free (asics2130), just in time for them to put them to pasture :-(
MCM Mama said…
Hope the Mizunos help end your knee issues. I run in a different model of Mizunos, but really like them.

And now, of course, I'm craving peanut m&ms LOL.
Bonnie said…
Hey new friend Sara. . . its Bonnie (from North Broadway and Becky's Blog) . . . I found this blog and am mucgo impressed! Look like the knee is treating you a bit better. Good luck with your last month of training. The joy you will feel at the end of the race will truely be amazing and as tired as you feel - you will want to do it all over again!! haha
Glenn Jones said…
Yes - your friend is correct about the Gel Kayanos. They are Stability Plus shoes - made for Clydesdales like me. I'm a little suprised that RRS put you in them and not GT 2140's (Stability).

The Wave Nirvana is more like the GT 2140 in its support - it is a Stability shoe. Do you pronate and/or drop your ankles when running? That is the main reason for the use of Stability shoes. Have you talked to your PT about orthotics?

As far as pool running - I know several people who have done/are doing due to injury. The best place to go is to my friend Surf's blog at She is actively pool running to rehab for a hip injury.

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