A New Bounce in my Step

Kudos to Online Shoes
I got my shoes from Online Shoes today! First of all, let me say that I was very happy with the service I received from Online Shoes. I had a question about the gift certificate transferred to me by Christy at Run Like a Girl. I emailed my question and received a very prompt, helpful reply.

After I placed my online order, I accidentally canceled it(duh!). The lady I spoke with at the customer service center was not just helpful, she was very friendly. I like that I had no problem reaching an actual human being!

The shipping is free if you have it sent via UPS Ground. I received my new shoes and the running skirt I ordered today... just three days after I ordered them. I must say, I am impressed with Online Shoes.

My Saucony Grid Excursions TR3s
Now that I've established how happy I am with Online Shoes, I'll tell you what I think of the shoes I ordered through them. When I first put them on, I was a little concerned that they didn't fit... they felt a little snug. Then I realized that the toe box is probably a little more narrow than my Mizunos. After standing and walking in them, I determined they are not too tight.

Then I did a practice run around my family room, into the kitchen, and back to the family room. I swear, it almost feels like there are bouncy springs in the soles of my shoes. I felt like I was boinging across the floor. OK, I exaggerate... but after my clunky Kayanos and light-weight Mizunos, the Sauconys feel bouncy.

I like the way they look and the way they feel. I already tried them out in the dirt, rock-filled parking lot at my son's school, and I can tell they will be nice for trail running. I purposely stepped on chunky rocks and I felt like I boinged off of them.

Train Run on Saturday!
Not trail run... train run. This will be the third time the West Coast Road Runners have taken the train from Solana Beach to Oceanside for a long run back down to Solana Beach. I missed the first Train Run because my boys were competing in the Junior Carlsbad races. That was so worth it! I missed the second one because of my dang knee. Dang you, knee!

This Saturday's Train Run is 21 miles. This is the group's last long run before we start tapering for the Rock 'n' Roll. I'm going to check with my PT and with the WCRR coach to see if I ought to attempt 21 miles since my longest so far has only been 14 miles.

This map is for 20 miles... I guess they will get that
extra mile in there somehow!

New Hope
I didn't mention something to you all in my Tuesday's blog. What I ommitted to tell you was that I came home from the gym after my failed attempt at running on the treadmill and announced to my husband that I was done with running, walking, hopping, pogo-sticking, etc. until my leg is completely pain-free. I told him I was done with the running group. I was done with training for the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon. I was frustrated.

Looking back, I'm sure I purposely didn't admit this in my blog because then it would be "official". And, dang it, I want to finish that marathon! To clarify, I can say this to my husband and have it not be "official" because he knows by now to "just go with it".

My knee does seem to be getting better and better. I don't feel like I suffered any set-backs after last Saturday's 14 miler. My left leg was overly tired, but after an extra day of recovery, it feels much better.

Twenty-One Mile Test
As long as my PT OKs it, I'm going to use this Train Run as a test to see how I might perform during the marathon. I figure, if I can walk... and hopefully run some... 21 miles, I can do it for 26.2 miles. This will give me a good idea of my timing and how my knee might react.

I told my husband all this this evening. True to his nature, he is "just going with it". He has been very supportive during all this crazy running stuff. Not once has he complained about money spent on running gear, race registration fees, or all the Saturdays he has had to get up with the boys instead of sleeping in.

He also told me that if I feel like I can't complete the 21 miles on Saturday, I can call and he & the boys will come get me. OK, everyone... all together: "Awwww..."


Aka Alice said…
Hey...give the 21 miler shot. Run with a phone. If you decide to stop, we'll be at the Americana Cafe (I think that's what it's called) on the corner of PCH and 15th in Del Mar...just join us there (we're biking on Saturday).

I'm glad you found some new shoes. I have some Saucony's and they are bouncy...I love them.
Oz Runner said…
good luck on the train run 21 miler....it's always fun getting new shoes, especially when they're free...i had the same wonderful experience with onlineshoes.com....
joyRuN said…
Lovely kicks!!

Good luck & have fun with the 21 - definitely makes a difference to have a group to run those long runs with - makes it more fun!
RunToTheFinish said…
hope the 21 goes well!! And we all quit at least once during training
Mel-2nd Chances said…
your hubby sounds sweet. I also had a good experience with Online Shoes... but funny that you mentioned that they felt tight in the toebox, so did my Saucony's from there, so much so that I can no longer wear them. I got a huge blood blister, and being in Canada, too much of a pain to return them, so I didn't bother. oh well. Have a great weekend, happy Mother's Day and hope the 21 miler goes well!
tfh said…
Awwww. :) Hope he doesn't have to, though!

Sauconys are the best! Good luck this weekend.
Irene said…
It's always a great day when you get new running shoes! Thanks for the info on Onlineshoes.com. It's always good to keep those kinds of resources in mind.

The train run is one of my favorite routes. I hope this run will go well for you!
Patrick said…
Love your new shoes! They look sharp on ya.

Good luck with the training-- If you get tired-- pretend you have the guy from Happy Gilmore cheering you on-- you know, the "You can do it" guy that always helps me :)

BTW your husband deserves a medal too! You should get him one after your race-- He sounds like a great guy!

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