My Mother's Day Gift

All I Want for Mother's Day
My husband has been asking me for days what I want for Mother's Day. I usually know exactly what I want, but with the budget being tight and the fact that I don't really need anything, I was having a hard time trying to decide.

I'm happy to report... because I know each of you is just dying to know... that I figured out what I want. I told my husband that I want to sign up for the Surf City USA Half Marathon.

I can't sign up until June 1st
Um, never mind... I just signed up!! I've been visiting the website every couple days (including last night) and it has only been open to past participants. I wasn't supposed to be able to sign up until June but they must have changed that. Woo-hoo!!

So, Happy Mother's Day to me! The race isn't until February 7, 2010 but that's just fine with me. With the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll still up in the air for me, I will have this race to help keep me motivated... and hopefully a few others from my "wish list" in the fall.

The Green Smoothie that Wasn't
I took Amanda's challenge for Raw Foods Wednesday, and decided to make a green smoothie. I used organic herb salad, spinach from my garden, cilantro from my garden, milled flax seed, flax oil, stevia, Greek yogurt, and blueberry juice*. I blended it all together in my blender. It was not green. It was purplish-brown... sort of like a bruise. It smelled... horrible. It tasted... even worse. It made me gag so I poured it down the drain. I don't mind eating my veggies, so I think I'll stick to solid vegetables.

*I did not get this recipe from Amanda. I'm sure she has much better ideas of what tastes good together than I do. I was just using what I had available.


Melanie Tait said…
What a great pressie Sara!

That smoothie sounds a little pox. My buddy at has a similar one that sounds a bit better:

2 Organic Bananas.
16 Oz of purified water
About 5 pitted dates
handful of Organic Blueberries
Tablespoon of Dulse Flakes (you can get these from health food shops also good to put on salads)
1 Kale leaf (not the stem just the foliage)
handful of almonds
ground up Flax seeds (table spoon)
ground up hemp seeds (table spoon)

sounds yummier though that that one you chucked in the bin :)
Mel-2nd Chances said…
Awesome, happy Mother's Day, funny how we now want our presents to revolve around running, love it!
Unknown said…
Happy Mother's Day - great gift.

I've never tried those green smoothies and don't think I'm going to...
Sarah Jane said…
Congrats on the Mo's Day gift - perfect! Must say, I'm a little envious of all your cool-sounding SO Cal races!!

Sorry about the smoothie...shoulda gone with pizza. :)
RunToTheFinish said…
oh my no that recipe does not sound good :)

you gotta get more fruits in there to get it sweet and I'm not a cilantro fan so that's just me :)

yeahhhh for another fun race!
Kathleen said…
That looks like a fun race! And a nice early Mother's Day present!
Looked like a "bruise" perfect image. I LOVE your Mothers Day present, mine was entry to the Capital City 1/2, but I got that a few months ago.. LOL.

Happy Mothers day!
tfh said…
What a great gift! Hooray for something to look forward to. And even if your smoothie sounds gross, your garden sounds wonderful!
Patrick said…
You know you're addicted to running when...... The only gift you want is to enter a half marathon!! That is awesome! Happy Mom's day!

Mmmmm that smoothie sounds delish! :) Keep trying you'll get there. Are you going "all natural" all the time?
Glenn Jones said…
Maybe we'll get to meet finally! I'm mulling either the Half or the Full next year myself.
Irene said…
That's exciting news! The good thing is that you have 13 months to prepare!

I hope you find a smoothie recipe that's more palatable to your tastes! Keep us posted!
MCM Mama said…
Great gift!

LOL at the smoothie. I'd rather eat my vegetables, so I've never tried to make one, but I'm sure I'd end up with something similar to what you made.
Felice Devine said…
Yay for you! That's a perfect-o mother's day gift.

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