
As I write this, my four year old is in his room. He was banished to his room because of his naughty behavior and because he needed to cool down. Yes, my adorable snuggle-bug can be a firecracker! And when he explodes... watch out!!

His four minute time-out was finished several minutes ago, but he refuses to come out. I think he thinks he is punishing me by not coming out. Ha ha ha... I'll just let him think that.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying some peace and quiet. A perfect time to write a blog that is sure to bore everyone to tears. Heck, it will probably bore me to tears.

The thing is, I need to get strong, do my physical therapy exercises, and keep up my cardiovascular work. I also need to drop about 5 pounds... five very stubborn pounds.

I decided it might help if I make a list of my workout plans and keep track of what I eat. I figured it might help even more if I share my lists with you. Now, don't get so excited... I'm not much of a list person and many of my list-making ventures end a day or so after I start them. But, I'm willing to give it a try... again.

This Week's Exercise Plans
  • Monday: PT homework (lower body strengthening & core)
  • Tuesday: Stationary bike (30 minutes) & upper body strengthening
  • Wednesday: PT homework & Yoga (30 minutes)
  • Thursday: Stationary bike (30 minutes) & upper body strengthening
  • Friday: Stretching & REST!
  • Saturday: 10-miles Group Run
  • Sunday: REST & eat whatever I want

Monday's Slop Log
  • Oatmeal with dried cranberries (1 serving)
  • Trail mix (peanuts, almonds, and chocolate chips)
  • Greek style yogurt with blueberry Muesli mix
  • Grilled chicken skewers with red & green peppers over brown rice, spinach and broccoli salad with almonds and Asian dressing.
  • One glass of wine
  • Honey-roasted peanuts (a handful)
  • Water throughout the day... but not enough.

OK... my little firecracker is out of his room and back to being a snuggle-bug. Time to go to Target!



Anonymous said…
Hey - have you tried
It's an easy way to keep track of what you are eating and I even have fun doing it. It shows you really nice charts, too and it's all FREE!!!
Irene said…
Ditto on what Stephanie said about Fitday. I use it from time to time to make sure I'm getting enough of the right foods. It's free but I purchased the version with all the bells and whistles (meaning pie charts and graphs.) Either way, it's a good tool.

No, your blog is not boring! It makes me feel that what I'm doing is normal, kind of like we're all on the same page, in a way. :) Keep on blogging!
Unknown said…
yay for lists!!

i noticed that you dont' have a scheduled rest day. is that by design?
I've never heard of I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip!

Rest day? Do they make those??? LOL... Thanks for pointing that out, Lisa! I'm going to fix that right now. :D I don't want to pass up on a rest day!
joyRuN said…
HAR! My daughter will do the SAME thing. After her time-out's up, given the choice between apologizing and extended time-out, she'll stubbornly stand there rather than say she's sorry.
Mel-2nd Chances said…
lol. boys. Agree with Irene, keep blogging!
Patrick said…
I love your blog! It is not boring at all.

Love the diet plan-- also love your Sunday cheat day!! I read some of your comments and plan to head to as recommended by some of your friends.

Plus-- only 1 glass of wine??? c'mon-- after all that work you deserve two :)
Felice Devine said…
Lists work! But so does forgetting about those last 5 lbs ;-)
MCM Mama said…
Good luck on the list making. I need to come up with a workout schedule. I've never been good about the food lists though. That's probably why those stubborn five keep leaving and coming back...

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