Just Say "NO" to Snooze Button

Why am I up? I have to get up early and do 10 miles tomorrow. I still need to get my stuff ready. It's 9:50 p.m. here and I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. Guess I better get off of blogger.

G'nite all! Have a great weekend of running, racing, doing nothing, or whatever is on your agenda!


Anonymous said…
have a nice run!
Unknown said…
Best wishes with the 10 miler!!
Unknown said…
Back into the arms of Morpheus (Greek god of sleep) - I've been there and done that - too much recently! Comment/question: I love your "Roads & Trails I Run" widget - where did you get it (and how do you find time to post what you do and continually update the visuals on your site???)?
Melanie Tait said…
Have a great run tomorrow Sara!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
hope it was a great run!
Aka Alice said…
I can NEVER go to sleep early when I have a long run the next morning...WTF?

Hope you had a good one!
I'm behind on my reading, so I just found out that you ran/walked 21 miles. WOO-HOO!! Great job. I'm so excited for you. You WILL "rock" the marathon!
Erica said…
Hey I found your blog through runners lounge I look forward to following. :)


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