I'm a Winner... AGAIN!

Heck, I think I should pack up my bags and head out to Vegas... I'm on a winning streak, here. I just got an email from Amy at the Runners' Lounge informing me I am one of the winners of the book, Running from the Devil by Jamie Freveletti.

In order to win the book, I had to finish one of three sentences about moms and running. I chose to finish "Running and motherhood are a lot alike..."

I finished it this way:

Running and motherhood are a lot alike... both push you beyond limits you never thought you could reach. Both come with good days and bad days. Both make you question your sanity. Both come hand-in-hand with hurt. Mostly, both result in rewards far greater than ever expected.

I don't know if the winners were drawn randomly or if they actually read what people wrote. Either way, I don't care... I've wanted to read this book ever since I read about it on another blogger's site (I just can't remember who wrote about it... anyone else know?). Yay, me!

First the Online Shoes certificate and now this. I rarely win anything... maybe my luck is changing.

Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms out there! I hope your day was as wonderful as mine.

I'm feeling pretty good today, post-longest-run-ever. I'm sore in my legs, but I am assuming that comes with the territory. My knee hurts but not as much as it was hurting a few weeks ago.

I have so many blogs to catch up on! Better start reading...


Melanie Tait said…
Congratulations Sara! Although I'm not a Mum, I loved what you wrote. Also love your new-look blog!
MCM Mama said…
Congratulations on your win! Nicely written and very true.
Patrick said…
congrats-- Can you pass some of that luck my way!!!

Good job-- loved what you wrote.
I won the book too. Not sure what I entered to win it. WEIRD!! i am not complaining. It is fun to win..
Felice Devine said…
Love what you wrote! So true.
RunToTheFinish said…
wohoo for winning!! see your luck is rockin..just like San Diego!
Hi Sara! Jamie Freveletti here-author of Running from the Devil. Hope you like the book and love the "Reading is Sexy" pic! Couldn't agree more.
:) Jamie Freveletti

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