
When I say "behind", I'm not referring to my Gluteus Maximus. I'm talking about my reading of blogs. That's what happens when I have a life for a couple of days.

I really enjoy reading everyone's blogs! I get so much encouragement from my running blogger friends and I find myself wondering what is going on with you all.

With that said, I have to plan my grocery shopping for the day. Yes, more "life" getting in the way of my blog reading.


Aka Alice said…
hahahahah...I really did think you'd be posting about your glutes after the 20 miler this weekend.

I HATE grocery tedious...
Sarah Jane said…
Cute cartoon! Ain't that the truth?? ;-)
That cartoon is great!! I totally know what you mean, I missed about a million postings while in Hawaii and in Spokane. Life gets in the way...LOL... That is why we have to figure out a way to combine life, blogging and making money.. Heheh
Patrick said…
I think it's totally unacceptable to allow those minor "life" details to get in the way, your Blog friends should really come first! How do you sleep at night? LOL-- that's a great post! I've been out of pocket myself the past two days. Have fun at the supermarket :)
Bonnie said…
Hi hi Sara. . . If you are serious, I would love to walk it with you if you need a buddy to keep you going :) let me know
Unknown said…
The blogging community is so supportive. I miss it when I get behind as well.
Mel-2nd Chances said…
i'm addicted to the blogs too... so much wonderful support.
Melanie Tait said…
I hear ya Sara! I've had one of those weekends too! And it's so hard to go back and read them all...

I feel like today i'm starting anew.

Have fun shopping (I must admit to LOVING grocery shopping. As a kid, my parents had and still have a grocery store, so we never went to the big ones. In fact, we never went grocery shopping - so I think of it as a BIG treat now).

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