Short one tonight

My knee/leg is feeling better! I really started to notice the improvement yesterday. While I do still feel some pain, it definitely is less! Woo-hoo!

So tomorrow, I'm going to do the 18-mile run I missed yesterday. Hee hee... I'm kidding, folks! I'm taking time off until I know I'm able to run and not injure it again. I'm also going to go back slowly.

Yep, slow like that.

Have a great day!


Unknown said…
Glad it is feeling better. Definately give it TIME!!
It's not easy being patient when you're hurt, is it?! I'm confident that PT with the "Incredible Hulk" will be the cure all! In the meantime, think of the tortoise and be "slow and steady." Speaking of that, I will dedicate mile 1 of my next run to you!
Melanie Tait said…
Good on you Sara, for being tres sensible! It must be tough - it sounds as though you're in an amazing head space for running.

Thanks for your encouraging words yesterday - isn't it amazing how three words like "and you can" can make all the difference?
Unknown said…
Is the profile picture change just a whim or reflective of any change in Sara the runner? You scared me with the 18 mile comment (given your recent injury) - how about a half-marathon???
Try not to leave the slime on the ground LOL... Recovering from an injury is tough, especially when you have built up endurance that you do not want to lose. Hang in there and keep being smart, like a snail...Are snails smart? Not sure.

Have a great day!!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
you'll appreciate running even more once you're fully recovered, and a slow start will help keep you out there running longer.
Patrick said…
I am glad to hear you are doing better!
Just think-- by taking a break, you won't have to encounter those awful and very intimidating sewer drains :)

Happy recovering and stay healthy!
MCM Mama said…
Glad you are feeling better. Hope the improvement continues!
Oz Runner said…
slow and steady wins the race, just ask the tortoise...

you had me lol at your jamba juice story on my wheatgrass post...very funny...and who knew you had a dark side?

have a good one!

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