Junior Carlsbad

Today was a fun day for our family! As part of the Carlsbad 5000 weekend, the kids' race events were held today. When I signed my boys up, I was a little worried they would back out at the last minute and decide not to run, but they did it... and they did it well!

Here are some pictures of the day:

RookieBoy1, after passing the finish line.
His group (6 year old) had to run 1/2 mile.

RookieBoy2 after his 1/4 mile race.

RB1 with his Finisher's Medal &
Complimentary Jamba Juice.

RB2 with his medal. His chicken ran the race, too.

Tomorrow is the Carlsbad 5000. My very first race ever! I'm excited, even though it is only a 5K. At this point, I am thinking of trying to run it. My knee/leg feels better as long as I take the anti-inflammatories (better... not good). I'll see how it feels in the morning. Worst case scenario is I go with the walking crowd.

I need to get caught up on my blog reading! I have been so busy with family stuff, I feel out of the loop with what is going on with all of you in Running Blogger Land.

Have a great weekend!


Sarah said…
Your boys are too cute! Glad that they had a good time. Good luck with your race tomorrow!
RunningLaur said…
good luck at the race tomorrow!!!
Have a good time too :)
Unknown said…
I Love your pictures.

I have to make a comment about the chicken. We have a chicken too (his name is CHICKEN) and my son got it when he had surgery many many many years ago at the childrens hospital. they told us that if CHICKEN was brave enough for surgery, son could be brave too. I still have that chicken and it looks just like the one in your photo!!

So, I am THRILLED that your chicken ran the race!!

btw - now chicken helps me out when i'm sick. Son no longer needs it, but I still do. :-)
Unknown said…
sorry for obsessing, but I expanded the photo and CHICKEN isn't exactly the same, but similar enough. Anyway...you get the idea. LOL
Good luck in your run!! Hope you have a great weekend. I FINALLY got a day of sun just in time for an 8 miler, I went 9 because it was too nice to pass up.

Your boys are too cute, I have 2 boys also..

Aka Alice said…
The Carlsbad 5000 was my first race...about four years ago.

Have a great time! (you'll probably be finished by the time you read this). You're guaranteed a PR, right?

Your boys are just TOO. CUTE!
Glenn Jones said…
Those are some cute pics Sara! The one wih your son holding his chicken is precious!

Good luck today. The 5K there is pretty compeitive - I ould expect some 13 minute performances. Don't let that intimidate you. Run *your* race and have fun!
joyRuN said…
Good luck!

Looks like the boys had fun - so awesome that they got medals :)
Oz Runner said…
LOL..."his chicken ran the race too.."

cute pics, and how cool that you got them involved in running a race..

best of luck on the race!
Christie said…
Looks like fun.

So how did your first race go? Details, details!
RunToTheFinish said…
yeah what a fun day!!

In terms of the smoothie, I am random and just make them up. But here are some recipes I posted originally, from people who know what tastes good http://runtothefinish.blogspot.com/2009/03/green-smoothies.html
Bob said…
That's great, and cute kids! My girls love the kids runs as well and I think it is nice that everyone gets at least a ribbon. My older girls have various sports awards, so it is very important for my 6 year old to have something to display, and she's really proud of her finisher ribbons. Also congrats on completing your 5K with an uncooperative knee, hope it was fun! Now you have a PR to break...

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