I'm a Winner!

I'm so excited! I just found out I am the winner of the $100 Running Shoes from Online Shoes from the Reese's Run virtual race!! Thanks, Christy from Run Like a Girl.
Also, thanks to everyone for the advice regarding my last blog post. I so appreciate all the encouragement and suggestions. Everyone made terrific points.
- Mark Berry from Half-Marathon Mania reminded me that I have 30 days until the marathon and don't need to decide now. Great point!
- Lots of you reminded me that a lot can happen to a body in 30 days. And to keep trying. More good points!
- Glenn Jones (aka The Running Fat Guy) and Rick from Marathonman Runs Again! reinforced my concerns that attempting a marathon could cause my injury to worsen.
- I think Melanie from Mel Tries to Run imagines that I'm going to dance and rock out along the course. What Mel doesn't know is that I'm a horrible dancer (picture Elaine in Seinfeld... ya, I'm almost that bad). I do like how Mel thinks, though. In my dreams, I am a Kenyan Shakira.

So, again... thanks for all the support and advice! I guess the best course of action will be to take it day by day. Who knows... I may not know what to do for sure until the day before the marathon.
And you know I'm going to keep you posted...
If you do dance like that, then you must rock it out at the marathon to give the other runners that burst of energy that only comes when something funny happens so you forget the pain!
Congrats on your winnings! Score!
Way too many exclamation points in this post!!!
Dancing like that you are bound to throw something out of whack.. LOL
The Elaine reference? LOL! I forgot to write about the woman in the LJ 1/2 last weekend who was a Phoebe (from friends) type runner. She would run right next to me with her elbows flailing all over the place. Since I'm not very tall, and she was, they were flailing at right about my chin-level. I'd try to slow down and so would she...I'd speed up, and so would she...finally, I just put my head down and ran as fast as I could so I could lose her (that's the 10mm at mile 10 for me).
Anyway, completely forgot about it until I saw Elaine LOL.
For all it's worth, I'm with all of those who are saying that 30 days is a long time. 30 days ago, I could hardly walk. Body's heal. Give it time. (hard to do...I know).