Half-Marathon Wish List

Now that I'm into this whole running thing, I've been looking into half-marathons I would like to do. There are so many out there!

My ideal half-marathons are in pretty places, allow slow runners, offer cool shirts, and have entertainment along the route. Even more ideal, are those that offer Finisher's Medals and free beer at the finish line.

Here are a few I've found that fit most of my "Ideal" standards...

The Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay
November 15, 2009
  • Pretty place... check!
  • Slow-Runner Friendly... check!
  • Cool Shirt... check+ (the plus is because the shirt is a tech shirt)
  • Entertainment... check!
  • Finisher's Medal... check!
  • Beer... So many wineries in the area, who cares?!
Pros: Mini-vacation, sight-seeing, cool weather
Cons: The cost of a mini-vacation

The Silver Strand Half Marathon Coronado, San Diego
November 15, 2009
  • Pretty Place... check!
  • Slow-Runner Friendly... check + (the plus is because they also allow skaters... ha ha)
  • Cool Shirt... check!
  • Entertainment... check! After race party on the pier
  • Medal... check!
  • Beer... available at the party on the pier
Pros: Close to home, flat course
Cons: On the same day as the Big Sur HM

America's Finest City Half Marathon
August 16, 2009
  • Pretty Place... check!
  • Slow-Runner Friendly... check - (the minus is because there is a 3 hr. time limit)
  • Cool Shirt... check +
  • Entertainment... ??
  • Medal... check (I think)
  • Beer... Nope, but that's OK! There are lots of margarita's to be found in Old Town
Pros: Close to home
Cons: Weather might be too warm, hilly, time limit... but I think I can do it!

Rock 'n' Roll San Jose Half Marathon
October 4, 2009
  • Pretty Place... check!
  • Slow-Runner Friendly... check!
  • Cool Shirt... check +
  • Entertainment... check!++ This IS a Rock 'n' Roll HM!!
  • Medal... check!
  • Beer... check!
Pros: Mini-vacation
Cons: $ for Mini-vacation

My "dream" half marathons are the Big Sur HM or the Rock 'n' Roll (can't do both). The others are more realistic because they are close to home.

So many half marathons... so little time!


joyRuN said…
They all sound so awesome & look beautiful!
RunningLaur said…
Looks like a great list!

I'm all about the post race beer requirement too. :)
Fun List. In my Runnersworld Magazine I saw the "Avenue of the Giants" Marathon & Half Marathon and 10K in Eureka, CA. It is a level tree protected run through the Redwoods. I am not sure about the shirt or beer but I think it would be COOL!!!

The race this year is in May so maybe next year :)
tfh said…
Ooh, you're lucky about those that are close to home for you! But truly all of them look wonderful.
MCM Mama said…
Those all look awesome! I'll have to keep those in mind the next time we think about heading out to CA to visit my brother.
Mel-2nd Chances said…
Great list of races, good luck with your decision!
Aka Alice said…
LOL...I love your criteria...Mine's about the same.

I'm going to do the Long Beach 1/2 Marathon and Surf City (in Hunnington Beach) in the next year...both close. The Surf City 1/2 gives you a finishers medal that's shaped like a surfboard...gotta love that!

Big Sur looks beautiful. It's definitely on my "someday" list.
WAIT! Another runner who likes beer post race?! Nice! Your racing requirements are perfect. Here in Connecticut we have some races that are by Long Island sound, but nothing as beautiful as the scenery out there. I say go for the bling, tech shirt, and scenery in that order. Hey, you can always bring a cooler with a post race drink if need be!
Unknown said…
Having just finished the Illinois Half-Marathon, I'd put it as one of my top 10. Nice flat course with good variety and spectacular finish, running a half-lap around Memorial Stadium, turning at the goal posts and finishing at the 50 yard line to the sound of thousands of screaming fans.
Unknown said…
they sound great. wonder if i can talk my Hubby into Silver Strand...would be a cool "mini- vacay" for us
Yasmin said…
I'm doing America's Finest. I'm hoping it won't be as hot as last year. The race reports I read were said it was brutal.

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