Trail Run... Fun!

Trail Fix
Our group run today was 8 miles along a lake. The best part was, it was on trail. There's something about being out on a trail that makes me feel at "home". Maybe because my family liked to go camping and hiking when I was a kid. I take my kids out on hikes/trail walks as often as I can.

I love running along the coast for its beautiful scenery and cooler temperatures but the beach areas are usually crowded and congested with cars, bikes, and people. Of course, the trail has its own sort of traffic... other runners, walkers, bicyclists, and the occasional horse rider. But, there are no cars and the amount of people strolling along the route is much less.

Dirt, Rocks, Views
Today's run was challenging for me. There were a few hills and my right knee has been hurting since last week's 10-miler. I loved every minute of it, though. The dirt beneath my feet, the sounds of nature, the rocks, the view of the lake... so much fun! I was tired and sore at the end of the run but it was worth it.

X's & O's
Since the route was close to my home, my husband and my boys met me at the end of the run. My 4-year old's sweet, smiling face at the end of the run was a blessing! He gave me lots of little kisses and hugs, even though I was sweaty and dirty.

My husband was able to get a few pictures of me slowly running into to the parking where the group had met before the run.

Here's one:

The lady in the red shorts is one of the coaches.
She was waiting for the stragglers. I was one of them.

Snail Runner vs. Minute Walkers

So, now I have a question for you:

1. There were a couple girls who started the same time I did. I nicknamed them "Minute Walkers". They walked for a minute & ran for a minute. They did this for the entire route. I was frustrated because they beat me back to the finish. I know I run slow but I really busted my butt to run as much as possible. I'm wondering if the Minute Walkers* are on to something... something better than what I'm doing. What do you all think?

*Maybe I should change the "Minute Walkers" name to "Minute Runners". It sounds a little better.


Unknown said…
I know that it's frustrating when run-walkers are faster. Run-walk is a good strategy if you are new to running to help increase distance without getting injured. In my mind, there's nothing wrong with it at all. Maybe you should try it sometime (maybe 4:1 or 8:2 run:walk) and see how you like it.
Anonymous said…
I had a guy kick my butt at the 12k I ran who did something like a 4:1 ratio. Jeff Galloway swears by it for marathon training.

Personally, I find that on long runs, when I start walking, I then have trouble getting going again.

Good job on getting the run done!
Sarah said…
One of the marathon training books I read talked a lot about run/wlak strategy. It is not for me though. I like my slow and stedy pace the best. If I stop and walk my legs seem to think they are done. :)
Run/walk is not for me either.I'd rather be the "turtle" and run slow and steady...kind of like Lisa I guess! As MCM Mama and Sarah said, once I start walking, I'm not as motivated to run again. I saw people using that method when I ran the Hartford Marathon. Some of them finished before me, and some of them didn't. Try it and see if it works for you.
Glenn Jones said…
Lot's of people swear by the run/walk/run method. Check it out at:

That being said - i'm the slow but steady guy...
Oz Runner said…
There is no shame in walk breaks, but I've never thought of it as a strategy like that...maybe I'll try it fear is that it will be hard to get going again after walking...
joyRuN said…
Same thing as everyone else has said - it's Galloway's method, but my legs tend to take the walk break permanently.
Run Mommy said…
Hey there! Thanks for the comment on my blog! A virtual race is where people go out and run the distance on (or around) the date stated. Then you send the results into the race organizers (that's me and Marci). We have prizes for top finishers, random draws and early bird prizes! For our event, we are asking that "registration" be done by donating to the Arthritis Society via my link on my blog. Thanks for asking and i hope you will participate! I love participating with the moms. :)
Mel-2nd Chances said…
the running group follows 10:1 intervals, i don't mind it, but now that i've slowed down with the heart rate training, i find that i don't need them as much. but as others mentioned, might be worth a try if it works for ya! :)
Anonymous said…
Get out! Don't start walking girl!!! Better keep running the way you do - do it often and mix in speed/interval training; that helps a lot. I just can not imagine running and then stopping. You'll get there!
BeachRunner said…
Pacing is everything. And by run walking, you can exert control over the urge to push the pace too much (especially in the beginning) and end up finishing slower in the end than if you had maintained a slower pace from the start.

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