
Thanks to everyone who responded to my question regarding getting my butt kicked by the "Minute Walkers".

After reading your comments and looking into the Galloway method, I decided to give it a try. I don't think I'll do the 1:1... that's a little manic for me. I'm going to try a 2:1 (2 minute running: 1 minute walking) and see how that works for me.

I have a few reasons for wanting to try this. First, my knee has been bothering me since my 10-mile run two Saturdays ago. Second, we have a 12-miler coming up this Saturday and I am very nervous about trying to run this. Finally, I'm ready to try something new, with the hope that it will be better for my body and maybe even make my time better.

The main obstacle I have to get over is me. I have it in my mind that I'm somehow cheating or letting myself down by walking (on purpose). Intellectually, I know there is no shame in walking but it's harder to convince my pride of that.

I'll try it out this week and let you all know how it works out.

Thanks, again, for all your input!


Unknown said…
Doing a run:walk is definately not cheating. It's a strategy!! And you may surprise yourself with the results...
Mel-2nd Chances said…
... agree with Lisa. Be sure to let us know how it works for ya!
Black Knight said…
I agree, there is no shame in walking and Lisa is right. However when I could not run I walked and when I could not walk I "walked" as fast as possible with the help of the crutches.
tfh said…
It is much worse to be forced into walking at the end of long runs than to use it as a strategy to keep running further. See how it works for you and let us know! I find stopping to walk so frequently throws off my rhythm BUT that incorporating brief walk breaks somewhat less frequently during long runs keeps my legs fresher.
Felice Devine said…
I'm w/tfh. I find that walking frequently throws off my rhythm and gets me out of my zone. But, stopping to walk a little less frequently makes it so I can go longer. You'll find the right balance. Walking is DEFINITELY not cheating!!!
Run Mommy said…
I walk during runs all the time. I had someone tell me that just being on your feet helps so I took that to heart.

Thanks SOO MUCH for posting our banner for our Virtual Race! We are very excited and Reese get's the giggles every time I show her the banner. We are excited to see the outcome!
Anonymous said…
As the others said, walking during a run will often help you go longer. You'll have to experiment to figure out exactly what ratio works for you. When it was really hot last summer and I was training for the marathon, I found that running a half mile and then walking a minute while I drank a little got me through some runs I otherwise would not have finished.
joyRuN said…
Let us know how it works for you!

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