Lots of Great Advice

Thanks, everyone, for your comments about my knee. I'm taking your advice (and the advice of my husband) and will be calling my doctor in the morning. I don't know how knowledgeable he is about sports injuries, but I'm hoping he will at the least refer me to someone who is.

I really appreciate what you all had to say. I've said it before, but I'm going to say it again... the running community is amazingly supportive!

I'll let you know how the doctor's visit goes.

And Mark, thanks for deciding to not buy that house for me. I'm certain you saved me from certain doom during the next big storm. :)


Run Mommy said…
Glad you are feeling better about it. New house??? I am just in the final stages of a new house and feeling very stressed out about it!
Unknown said…
Two issues that preclude my getting you the house - 1) location and 2) "Mr. Rookie" may not appreciate male blogger buying his wife a house. Otherwise, it would be your's. Hope all goes well with the knee - my guess (given mileage you've logged) is that it's not a major issue (but may require a little TLC).
joyRuN said…
Good luck with the doctor's! Hope s/he can help you, or point you in the right direction.
Unknown said…
I hope you get a referrel to an orthopedic or someone like that. It's unlikely a general doc will be much help, but it's a good start!!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
good luck at the appt, hope you get a referral, and figure it out :)
Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear about your pain. Do you think the walk/run made it worst? My body goes crazy when I run and then stop. Take a good rest, get some professional advice and you'll get better soon.

Great pics by the way. Love the purple flowers!
Oz Runner said…
doctor's are smart people...I'm sure the doc will help you get back on the road...
tfh said…
Hope you can get in to see the appropriate doc soon, and that today you're able to walk around normally.
Anonymous said…
Hope that you can see someone soon and it heals quickly!
Jennifer said…
Thant sucks about your knee I hope it gets better fast!
RunToTheFinish said…
definitely see a sports doc, I've never found my personal doc to know enough about sports injuries to help. hopefully with some rest and ice you'll be back up in no time!
Felice Devine said…
Sorry about the knee and good luck at the doc. I hope it helps.

My big advice would be to make sure that when you are stretching, you are warmed up well. You don't want to over stretch or stretch a cold muscle or tendon.

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