Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News

Alive and Kicking
So... I went to the doctor on Monday. After a lot of poking, prodding, twisting, and squeezing (of my knee, that is), my doctor had no real answers for me.

He sent me to get X-rays and prescribed an anti-inflammatory. My X-rays were normal so I'm happy about that. The doctor said he would refer me to a specialist if the pain continued after taking the anti-inflammatory and after giving it a rest.

True Colors
I'm glad he's the type of doctor who can admit that he is not an expert on sports related injuries. I also like that he didn't suggest that I just stop running all together. Other runners that I know have had this said to them by their doctors.

Take It Easy
I've been resting my leg by not running all this week. I still plan to not run the 14 miler scheduled for Saturday. I've been taking the anti-inflammatories. And my leg & knee feel so much better! I still have pain that shoots up my thigh if I put too much weight on my leg (unless I lock my knee), but I'm not limping around anymore.

I'm hoping to get back to running sometime next week. Don't worry, though... I'm keeping everyone's advice in mind and won't run before my leg/knee is ready.

How About You?
Have you ever gone to a general practitioner with a sports or running-related injury? If so, what kind of advice did he/she give you? Have you ever been told to just stop running?


Thanks for the kind words on my blog. After reading your response, plus your blog, I'm feeling more hopeful. I'm doing what you're doing-shutting it down for a while, and taking it easy.
Oz Runner said…
glad you went to see the doctor...i went a month or two ago for a running injury to my general practice doctor x rayed my foot (normal), gave me anti-inflammatory medicine and advised to not run for at least 2 weeks...however, he did say elliptical or swimming or some other form of cross training would be fine...would your knee allow you to do some other kind of exercise to keep the cardio up? I ended up taking 3-4 weeks off total before getting back into running...I am glad I rested and let my body heal...

also, thanks for the note on my blog about the San Diego zoo..that is definitely on our list of zoos to visit, so if we ever make it out there, i may take you up on your offer...
Run Mommy said…
Wow..I hope you feel better. It is so tough to have injuries..good luck with it and I will send you positive vibes.
Mel-2nd Chances said…
LOL. after my HM, I had strained my hip flexor. I went to my chiro/sports injury doc... we were working together, but he asked me to go see my regular doctor for a prescription of anti-inflammatories and to book an ultrasound as it maybe faster through him. Went to my doc, he had me lay down, lifted up my leg and diagnosed me with a torn quadricep! YA RIGHT! I don't go back to him for anything sports related. Glad you're starting to feel better... :D
Glenn Jones said…
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Glenn Jones said…
Glad you went to the doc! I'm lucky. My family doc is actually a Sports Medicine Specialist and the Medical Director of the Surf City Marathon - so he completely understands runners. Likewise, if he tells me to shut it down - I do!
tfh said…
Sounds good so far! My doc always just sees me coming and gets the referral ready for the orthopedic surgeon :). Hope you don't need to see a specialist b/c the rest and anti-inflammatories help. Just a tip from my own injury experience: keep taking the anti-inflammatories as prescribed even when you're no longer feeling any pain, b/c the inflammation may still exist. Good luck!
Felice Devine said…
I hope rest and anti-inflams work for you! I had great luck with a sports doc once, not so great luck w/my reg. doc.
Anonymous said…
Hope the rest and the anti-inflammatories work. I've not been injured yet (knock wood), so I haven't had to deal with a doctor telling me not to run.
joyRuN said…
I bypassed my GP & went to a chiro/sports guy for my whiny legs. He hasn't always been 100% correct, but I've maanged to figure it out when he hasn't & fixed the issue.
Bob said…
My daughter runs high school track and XC. Last year she had significant knee pain which reminded me of "jumpers knee," which I had also experienced running high school track. We had to go to a general MD so he could say "beats me" but recommend us high in the queue of an arthroscopic specialist. (If we had tried to go straight to the arthro guy we would have waited 6 months).

First appointment he spent about 30 seconds prodding the knee then sent us for xrays and an MRI.

After numerous appointments (and bills, of course) no actual treatment was performed except to suggest resting if it hurt. She's fine and has a meet tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
That's why I don't like going to a doctor, even a sports doctor unless it's BAD! They just can't tell what's really going on, which makes it even more upsetting. Rest and ice, and sometimes physical therapy just to get the feeling you are doing something to help it! I'm in such a situation right now.

I hope you'll feel better very soon.
Aka Alice said…
Since I'm part of a lousy PPO/Medical group, I usually don't even see my doctor, just the Nurse Practitioner instead, which for most things is just fine. But, that's why I skipped the whole doctor thing and went straight to the track club PT for my hip injury.

Glad your doctor helped you out some. Here's my offer of advice ;-). Keep stretching and icing even though you're not running this week. I bring an ice-chest in my car for after a long run, so that I can ice my hip right away. It's worked wonders.

Have a wonderful long run tomorrow. It's going to be a great morning for it (nice and cool), and take it easy.
Unknown said…
Sara, so glad you're getting R&R - and what sounds like good support from the physician. I haven't followed all of the posts, but wondered - have you ever had a gait analysis? As an esteemed "biomechanical nightmare" (term used by a surgeon to refer to me after he told me to stop running), I've found that this procedure was able to diagnose a biomechanic issue (corrected by a firmer shoe). Just a thought. Mark

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