My Running Week

January 11
Training run: 40 minutes (did about 3 miles)

January 12
Training run: 30 minutes (did about 2.5 miles)

I can't say that this has been my best week running since I started nearly 4 weeks ago. It seems like I was feeling more successful a last week. I was running and thinking this morning (I can do both!) about why this might be the case this week.

I've been reading that it can be a long process getting your body in the right shape for running. While my heart and mind might be ready, my body is going through a cycle of tearing down and rebuilding as it adjusts.

I'm hoping this is just one of those weeks when my body is readjusting itself to fit my training. I feel I need to focus on getting more sleep and eating more balanced meals. I have had a busy week with unexpected problems (broke a molar yesterday...). I haven't been eating as well or as often as I should be.

So, time to get back to basics!

Meanwhile, I'm already thinking about other races I can do. I would love to do the Seattle Rock & Roll HM in June... about a month after the San Diego Marathon. I'm also looking into doing the Chicago Rock & Roll half in August. I don't know that I will do these (there is the whole problem of money and time) but I like the idea of traveling and running.

We have an 8-mile run on Saturday and I'm excited about it! Another record number of miles for me. You can bet I'll be blogging about it!

"You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming."
~Frank Shorter, 1972 Olympic marathon gold medalist


Unknown said…
Some weeks are better than others. Does your schedule have you dropping back mileage every 4 weeks or so? Your body needs some recovery time in there also.
Run Mommy said…
Some days are better than others. Just sticking with it is enough to say your are giving it your happens - can't make the days longer than they already are! :) Plus, if your body didn't rebel a little, everyone would be Olympic athletes right? Good job keeping it up!
Anonymous said…
Some weeks your body just needs a break. If you give it that, it comes back stronger (something I need to remind myself)
Thanks for the input and encouragement, everyone! Yes, my training program should be dropping down some miles pretty soon, from what I've heard. :)
joyRuN said…
No worries - bad weeks happen.

Ouch on the broken molar, & have fun with the 8!
Mel-2nd Chances said…
lol at doing both running and thinking. bad weeks definitely happen. hang in there, and it will get better! I thought i had you in my reader already! Adding you in now :)
Paula said…
I do some of my BEST thinking while running.. and it really helps take my mind off the running! LOL

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